Saturday, September 26, 2009

Julia (from Leone on the big island of Tutuila!) visits the island of Ta'u!

Julia came to visit our beautiful town of Faleasao on Ta'u! The following pictures are of our (me, KC and Julia) epic hike to the third cove (To'a) north of our town. On our way home, we found a coconut crab (which I was apparently incapable of taking a picture was speedy!)

From bottom to top: KC and I dodge sharp coral as we hike along the coast with our matching nalgenes; Julia (rock-climber extraordinaire) attempts to scale a large wall of rocks that leads to a cave; KC and I inch down a fairly steep precipice towards a glorious coastline (our cove destination!), Julia captures a candid photo of KC and I taking in the beautiful view after reaching To'a cove; and finally the elusive cocunut crab in it's natural habitat...they are delicious if you can catch them!

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